The ex-vice mayor of Apache Junction, his wife and their son have filed a $2.1 million claim against Pinal County Sheriff Paul Babeu. In the claim, Robert, Cynthia and Robert Eck III allege the sheriff ordered a deputy to pursue "baseless" charges against the then-vice mayor and his son in 2009.
Republican lawmakers were quick to tout the fact they had no fund sweeps in the budget they unveiled in February. But among the details seeping out about the ...
Who pays when the president travels for the campaign? President Barack Obama flies Air Force One when he leaves town. So does Candidate Barack Obama. Either way, taxpayers are on the hook for a hefty amount - Air Force One costs nearly $180,000 an hour to operate.
Poll: Arizona voters support Dream Act The Merrill/Morrison Institute survey indicated that 73 percent of registered voters support the Dream Act -- 45 percent of them strongly.